
”“None of the men I commanded were worth my consideration,” she said with a grin. “It was why I always carried a knife. I would have brought one of my men if he were worthy, or even interesting, but really they were all scum.”“Are my guys treating you okay?”“Those men are great, real professionals. I expected something, hazing or stuff about being a female, but there was none. I got privacy and respect. It is a sign of a good com...”I didn’t let her finish that. “They are good troops,. “Just take it bitch,” he whispered. He started rotating his hand thumb up then palm down stretching my pussy in all directions. He wiggled and moved his fingers making me moan and drip even more. Suddenly he pulled out of me leaving my pussy feeling empty and hot. My clit throbbed so much! Then I felt him drip lube down my already drooling lips. With an up and down motion he spread the lube down from just near my tight asshole to my clit. Then his hand dove back inside me making me buck. He opened her legs wider and circled them around his hips and moved faster. “Kyle! Stop! It hurts.” Either he didn’t care or he was so lost into his own pleasure that he didn’t notice her protests. “Ah, fuck.” He said as he slammed her against the headboard. He pulled her hips flushed against his as he made one more deep thrust and came inside of her as he bite down harshly on the side of her neck.  CURRENT TIME –The train was crowded the next morning. Her mom never came home for work,. He'd ended up just noddingvacantly, pretending he understood. It didn't matter. All he needed toknow was where to dig. He didn't try any harder than that, insubconscious fear that he might recognize just how much brain power he'dlost and panic. He kept his thoughts subdued and on the job at hand.Just widen the stream. Deepen the stream. That was all he had tounderstand and any idiot could pick up that much. At least after Harryhad come down and demonstrated it a few times.At noon a bell was.
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